Development Management

Our Development Management Services take care of the entire property development process from initial strategy and concept through to delivery.

As specialists in Development Management Services in Sydney and New South Wales, our team has an intimate knowledge of all facets of local regulations and statutory requirements covering site selection, approval and construction of development projects.

Once you’ve briefed us on a project, you’ll be matched with a Development Manager from our team, who has been carefully selected based on their expertise, experience and suitability for the project.

What does the Development Manager do?

Your Development Manager is there to help you turn your project vision into reality. By drawing on the expertise and experience of our interdisciplinary team of specialists, they manage the complete process of bringing a property development project to fruition, on time and on budget.

The role of the Development Manager

The role of the Development Manager can vary depending on the nature of the project and your requirements.
The services they can provide include:

  • Project direction and advice
  • Site investigation and selection
  • Funding assistance
  • Sales
  • Land title management
  • Development strategy
  • Planning proposals
  • Build brief preparation
  • Engage specialists
  • Liaise with neighbours

Project direction and advice

By far and away the most important aspect of the Development Management Services is to understand your vision and requirements. Once they have a clear picture of what you want to achieve, they can then provide advice on the best options available to you, and how to best go about it in the most cost and time-effective way.

Site investigation and selection

This is a critical stage in any development project. Your McNally Development Manager will ensure the site is compatible with your requirements, such as correct zoning permissions, and all due diligence is met, before a feasibility study is undertaken. Thoroughness in this is essential. Done right, it can ensure cost-savings throughout the rest of the development process.

Our site selection service includes:

  • Feasibility study – an essential part of the due diligence process.
  • Commercial assessment – encompassing information such demographic statistics, market prices and the sale prices of neighbouring properties.
  • Business case – we analyse the pros and cons and provide our recommendation about a proposed project.
  • Acquisition service – we undertake market and price research and engage real estate agents.

Development Management Services

A Complete Service From Initial Strategy & Conception to Final Delivery

Funding assistance

Your Development Manager can assist with the financial planning of the project, including research and approaching potential financial partners.


Should the project require sales, your Development Manager can facilitate and manage the following:

Contract preparation for sales
Sales materials – including brochures, billboards, fliers, etc.
Display unit preparation
Sales team management
Project facilities preparation

Land title management

Your Development Manager can assist with any land title matters and ensure required titles are registered at the Land Property Information office. We also undertake other important due diligence activities, such as ensuring there are no potentially costly issues with the site or other claimants on the land.

Development strategy

Development of land is a complex process and it requires strategies to maximise the development opportunity while reducing risk. Your Development Manager can help you select a strategy that best suits your goals, and by drawing on the expertise and experience of the McNally team, we can put together a strategy with the greatest reward versus risk potential.

Our Values

Experience. Care. Integrity.

At McNally, we are client-focused, hard working and diligent. We manage our projects with consultation and care, always committing to our word and delivering outcomes that make us proud.

Planning proposals

It’s with these kind of complex and time-consuming submissions that the experience and insight of the McNally team really come to the fore. There’s no guarantees with planning proposals, but with the backing of a team of trusted consultants, your Development Manager can maximise your development’s chance of success. We take care of the whole process from document preparation to submission, right from initial concepts to the full development proposal, with alternate planning proposals ready if needed.

Build brief preparation

The quality of the build brief is critical to the management and success of any building project. As a team, we place a great deal of importance on preparing these documents right. McNally’s Development Management Services will ensure the build brief is prepared accurately and that it meets your expectations in terms of cost and timeframe.

Engage specialists

Where required, your Development Manager can find and appoint appropriate specialists for investigations and advice.

Liaise with neighbours

Development projects often have the potential to affect their immediate neighbours, either during the construction process or as a consequence of the proposed outcomes. Your Development Manager can take a part in or manage relationships with various stakeholders, including neighbours.

Our Development Management Services are scaled to suit each individual project depending on the project’s scope and budget. On smaller projects a Project Manager may be engaged to look after a broader range of tasks that might usually fall within the scope of a Design ManagerSuperintendent or Development Manager. On larger projects it’s important to define and scope the roles articulating more specifically the responsibilities of these four service areas to ensure the project is delivered on time, cost and quality parameters.

Let’s Get Your Next Project Moving

For an initial, no-obligation chat to discuss your project options, you can contact us by phone or email, or visit us at our Sydney office during business hours.